by Trish LeHay October 17, 2022
Finally Fall!
Autumn is upon us here in Maine bringing crisp mornings and warm afternoons. Perfect weather for outdoor tasks such as painting the house (finished last week) and expanding our walking trail through the woods to the abandoned railroad tracks that run along the property. The expansion has included a water source with an old-fashioned hand pump and adding a small pond in the clearing. I’m pleased to announce that the small pond is inhabited by a large bullfrog named Hercules. Apparently he is embracing the “Tiny Home” trend….. There are plans for a screen house but that will be on next year’s list!
A Carpet of Autumn Leaves on the Cedar Walk through the Woods
An Old Fashioned Hand Pump, Just Right for Watering Next Year's Flowers!
Walking the Abandoned Railroad Tracks Near The Shop
In The Shop
Rob is currently working on November’s orders, as I write this, he is putting the second coat of milk paint on the boxes and carriers. As always, he will list the extras here, on the website. He will give as much advance notice as possible. He is also working on developing a new type of box that will blend old and new in a useful and aesthetically pleasing way, more to come on that….
Speaking of blending, Rob and I did our first collaborative newsletter recently and it went quite well. This isn’t something we will do often but it just happened that we both had items ready to go at the same time!
Vintage News
The next Vintage Newsletter will be ready to go within a couple of weeks. I have had really good luck and so much fun (a trip to Camden, Maine!) finding nice pieces lately! There will be a couple of extra special pieces this time, we’re really “pushing the boat out”! I always try to have a variety of items and price points available; I am also open to requests – searching and finding is such fun! You can email me at
The View from the Deck of Marriner's Restaurant in Camden, Maine
So sometimes I get to have a good giggle while poking around the antique shops. Here's one of those giggle moments: I found a small collection of vintage cosmetics, one of the tins was “Pompeian Vanishing Day Cream” from the 1920’s. A selling point listed on the back: “Will Not Grow Hair, Satisfaction Guaranteed!” Well, that’s a nice feature…… Tee Hee!!! :-D
Shop Critters
You’ve met Porter, General Manager and Jonesy, Head of Security. Now, I’ll introduce Buzz. Buzz fills a dual role as Morale Officer and Chief Head Booper. But his willingness to HELP has no limits……
Buzz, HELPing Me at my Desk, Coming in for The Head Boop
Eager to Jump in and HELP at The Shop!
Always Happy to HELP with Packing and Shipping!
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by Robert LeHay January 27, 2025
by Robert LeHay December 05, 2024 1 Comment
by Robert LeHay December 01, 2024
Pam Miller
November 18, 2022
I enjoyed your October news! Buzz is such a cutie too! I had a cat named Toby, who resembled Buzz alot. He lived to be 21! Thanks for sharing pictures of your area-our leaves are just beginning to fall down here in Alabama. I can’t wait to see Rob’s latest creation and what you find in the antique shops.